What's the name of the movie?

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Movie Actor/director

Released: 1985
Director: Terry Gilliam
IMDb Rating: 8
A bureaucrat in a retro-future world tries to correct an administrative error and himself becomes an enemy of the state.
ActorAge thenAge nowDied?
Terry Gilliam -- The Director 4584No
Jonathan Pryce 3877No
Robert De Niro 4281No
Katherine Helmond 5796No
Ian Holm 5493No
Bob Hoskins 4382No
Michael Palin 4281No
Ian Richardson 51Would've been 90In 2007-02-09 (age 72)
Peter Vaughan 62101No
Kim Greist 2766No
Jim Broadbent 3675No
Barbara Hicks 61100No
Charles McKeown Unknown--
Derrick O'Connor Unknown--
Kathryn Pogson Unknown--
Bryan Pringle 50Would've been 90In 2002-05-15 (age 67)