What's the name of the movie?

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Movie Actor/director

Cherry 2000
Released: 1987
Director: Steve De Jarnatt
IMDb Rating: 5.1
In the future, a man travels to the ends of the earth to find that the perfect woman is always under his nose...
ActorAge thenAge nowDied?
Steve De Jarnatt -- The Director Unknown--
David Andrews Unknown--
Jennifer Balgobin Unknown--
Marshall Bell 4582No
Harry Carey Jr. Unknown--
Laurence Fishburne 2663No
Pamela Gidley 2259No
Melanie Griffith 3067No
Michael C. Gwynne Unknown--
Brion James 42Would've been 80In 1999-08-07 (age 54)
Ben Johnson 69Would've been 106In 1996-04-08 (age 77)
Jeff Levine Unknown--
Jennifer Mayo Unknown--
Cameron Milzer Unknown--
Howard Swain Unknown--
Jack Thibeau Unknown--