What's the name of the movie?

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Movie Actor/director

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
Released: 2011
Director: Brad Bird
IMDb Rating: 7.4
The IMF is shut down when it's implicated in the bombing of the Kremlin, causing Ethan Hunt and his new team to go rogue to clear their organization's name.
ActorAge thenAge nowDied?
Brad Bird -- The Director 5467No
Tom Cruise 4962No
Paula Patton 3649No
Simon Pegg 4155No
Jeremy Renner 4054No
Michael Nyqvist 5164No
Vladimir Mashkov 4861No
Samuli Edelmann 4356No
Ivan Shvedoff Unknown--
Anil Kapoor 5265No
Léa Seydoux Unknown--
Josh Holloway 4255No
Pavel Kríz 5063No
Miraj Grbic 3548No
Ilia Volok Unknown--
Goran Navojec 4154No