What's the name of the movie?

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Movie Actor/director

Released: 2004
Director: Wolfgang Petersen
IMDb Rating: 7.1
An adaptation of Homer's great epic, the film follows the assault on Troy by the united Greek forces and chronicles the fates of the men involved.
ActorAge thenAge nowDied?
Wolfgang Petersen -- The Director 6383No
Julian Glover 6989No
Brian Cox 5878No
Nathan Jones 3555No
Adoni Maropis 4161No
Jacob Smith 1435No
Brad Pitt 4161No
John Shrapnel 6282No
Brendan Gleeson 4969No
Diane Kruger 2848No
Eric Bana 3656No
Orlando Bloom 2748No
Siri Svegler 2444No
Lucie Barat Unknown--
Ken Bones Unknown--
Manuel Cauchi Unknown--